Hands On Service

Short Term Hands On

Members participated in a couple of short-term hands on projects this past fall and winter. A group joined in the efforts at Tibbits Opera House as the theatre replaced its 40-plus-year-old carpeting. While the Noon and Sunrise Rotary Clubs helped remove and then replace the theatre chairs. Altrusans joined the project by helping clean the seats.

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Barb Burkhardt, Genelle Welch, Mary Guthrie, Ginger Kesler, Carol Hodson, Susan White, and Christine Delaney

In the Christmas spirit, Altrusans I would say that the short term hands on project committee purchased 17 books for the angel tree at Taylor’s Books & More.  Then members Carol Hodson, Candace Newkirk, DeAnne Hawley, Jacqui Lyon, Sue Crabtree, Mary Jo Kranz, Christine Delaney, Kathy Cousino, Julie Stratos, and Mary Jo Johnson volunteered their time to help Taylor’s wrap the hundreds of books given out in the community.Book wrapping

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